Monday, July 9, 2012

my first post......

Well this is my first post on a blog, not sure what to blog about or if anyone will be interested in what I have to post but here it goes....

Last night Kellie, my 4 1/2 yr old had her two neighbor girls sleep over. This is the first time she has had someone other than family spend the night, so I wasn't sure how it would go. So that left me wondering how am I going to keep a 11, 7, and 4 1/2 yr old girls entertained, with that in mind I hit up Pinterest. Like most of you I'm sure, I'm addicted to that damn site, I found some fun craft things to try but in the back of my mind I was wondering if they will work, anyways I made my list and loaded up Kellie and headed to Wal-mart (in my tiny town that's the only place to buy anything, very sad day for me) to get our supplies.  We bought the plastic beads to make the sun-catchers and the permanent markers to draw on glass plates.  Well the girls come over and the first thing they all say is "can we make something?" I pull out some metal cookie cutters and cookie sheet and small heart shaped cake pans, put them on the table and then grab the container of beads and put them on the table, of course the 3 of them are looking at me like I'm crazy. So I explain to them what we're going to do and show them how to make sure to put the beads. By know their starting to trust me and their starting to get into it. when they say ok now what, I say in to the oven they go. I followed the instructions I found on Pinterest, bake @ 350 for 30 mins. Well 30 mins came and went and still not melted, so we wait longer, the girls are getting alittle antsy to see how they turned out. I kept checking and still not melted. I gave up on watching the clock and just started checking about every 5 mins and FINALLY they melted. I took them out to cool and that didnt take long at all. I have to say that that pin was a WINNER!!!! The girls thought it was a pretty cool project :) Going to have to keep this one on my list for sure.

Ok time for the next craft, decorating the plates with permanent markers. Again, the girls are looking at me a little weird, but the 3 of them are learning not to doubt me, I explain to them that we draw, color, design whatever we want on these plates and again bake them in the oven. So the 3 of them start to get all sorts of creative with their plates. I so love watching children create their masterpieces, weather its with chalk on the sidewalk, crayons and a notebook or even pencil on the wall. Yes even on the wall, Kellie has draw on the wall many, many times and very time she does it we tell her not to do it and have her help clean it off but she still does it. Anyways back to the plates, after i'd say an hour of planning and drawing their done, and in to the oven they go. Online there is a few different directions to do this but I did the girls' at 350 degrees for 30 mins. When the plates were done I pulled them out and when I did that the oven mit rubbed some of the marker off, not impressed, and waited for them to cool and washed them in the dishwasher. Lets face it, I'm not going to let the kids eat off these plates if they cant make it thru the wash. The out come wasnt what we were hoping for, during the "baking" part the color of the marker changed, the colors got darker, ok we can live with that but after the dishwasher all of us were bummed, you could still see most of the artwork but in a few spots the marker was completely off. So I guess it somewhat worked but totally bummed. Not sure if we'll being doing this one again.

Thats it, thats my first post for ya

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