Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

Here's to FRIDAY :)

Well I haven't been on here in MONTHS! Its been super busy for my lil fan of 3 since I last posted. Daddy got a new job in Colorado so Kellie and I have been busy packing and selling our house and moving. We finished that all up and finally got settled in October, just in time for Kellies 5th birthday. YAY!!!! She had a great bday and some friends from school came and bowled with her :)  we had a great holiday season and even had a short but fun family vacation to Minnesota!! Got to spend time with some falmily up there and had so much fun.

I finally started up my photography schooling again! After taking a year off I realized I just need to suck it and do it. I love doing photography and ppl are having do their photos so why not finish and start my own studio, right? So here's to that!

Kellie has started to become very interested in fashion and believe me she has a style of her own! Almost everyday she has what she calls." A stylish girls tip" so I'm going to try and what the tip is everyday lol.

Hope the new year is finding everyone well: ) and til next time